Friday, October 29, 2010


i don't blame Obama, I don't blame Citi or B of A.....I blame crappy employers who have the ability to hire but are sitting on their bulbous, warped asses and not hiring because they are worried about their own bonuses at the end of the year.

we are technically employed, but we are looking for a better gig but things keep falling through. NOT because there are better qualified people out there (because there aren't), NOT because the companies' are without the means to support another employee, and NOT because the company is experiencing a shaky market. Employers are not hiring because they SELFISH. I know very few people read this blog, but I hope the ones that do read it (sorry for the looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong hiatus here....) will send it out to others who are frustrated with the state of things in the U.S.

It's going to take a collective kicking of the asses of those in power (that means you Barney Frank) who dropped the ball and then went off looking for easy scapegoats. The banks are not wholly at fault for what went wrong - think about it. How many constituents (ahem....that's us - voters) took out home loans they knew they couldn't afford? And to hell with blaming or seeking to blame it on a so-called persuasive loan officer - when does your own brain kick in and say, "you know, 1500 a month is more than I make in a month, maybe I can't afford this mortgage"................It's not that freaking hard people! Granted, there were some crappy manuervers out there, but bad mortgages made for bad loans, and the slinky, slimy side-stepping manuevers of some of our fellow Americans out there, saying they really didn't know they couldn't afford the 800,000 house next to Tiger Woods and Bill Gates, claiming it's all big banking's fault is for the birds.

Yes I'm pissed. I'm pissed because it's you guys and other spineless American's who are able to hire, but refuse to do so for no actual reason, are keeping the rest of this country from taking a step forward.

If you f@#$ up, admit it. Get through it and move on. Or let the rest of us move on by getting the hell out of the way.