Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This is sooooooo silly!!!

I love my pets, but Come On!!!


091409_hello by Pup To Go

103009_dailycandy by Pup To Go

1 comment:

  1. I've been known to put a shirt on my Pom in the winter... And ok, sometimes she walks by when I have magic markers in my hand and I have to put makeup on her... And every now and then I will buy her a outfit at the dollar store and then there are the ribbons and raincoat, and designer fragrance but I don't do anything weird... (grin)...

    I started my blog up again. here is the link
    I don't know how faithful I will be on it. I've not got a lot of time to do blogs but its one way to stay in touch and I like that idea at least...

    Love you
