Saturday, October 24, 2009

It is a sunny day here in NC, ...

And honestly, I had a ton of stuff rolling around inside my noggin before I logged in, and now - "POOF" - it's all gone.

Welcome to placenta brain. At this point, it has lasted 6 months beyond the birth of my Munchkin. My doctor says it can last, ohh....., .....well into the 18th or 19th year of your child's life. Sounds about right. My parents didn't ever make sense to me until I was about 26. So it may last even a little bit longer.

Since today is a Saturday, I've not quite paid attention to the news. In fact our television hasn't been turned on at all today, which is something we are getting better at, limiting our zombie time in front of the TV that is. It honestly does turn your brain to mush. Dad, unfortunately, was right about that one.

Anyway, so I'm typing this while my hubby is out cleaning our water heater (fun huh??) and I'm jogging back and forth between the computer on the desk and Munchkin on the floor doing tummy time. For those, who like I about 6 months ago, are completely unawares of what "tummy time" is, it is the time you let your beloved little one grunt and groan and get frustrated and fussy - all while on his tummy on the floor. It's to build strength in their back, abdomen, etc., ....but in truth I think it builds character because they certainly get completely bent out of shape when being on their tummy gets frustrating for them, ...or they get tired. At this point (6 months), you don't know which because he has yet to truly develop the ability to say "I'm tired."

But we're working on it. Ha!

Munchkin's good though. He's learned that if we don't come running to his rescue to roll over and that usually does it for him. Then whatever is near goes in the mouth and he's happy. For a few.

I am also simultaneously (to blogging here in the stratosphere of Web-land), downloading the new software for the iPhone. Now, I was never a tech junkie like the man in my life prior to the gift of the iPhone (which I've now had near 3 years - a record for a cell phone), but I have to say...all things Apple are quite tasty. The iPhone is expensive yes, ....but it replaced about four other gadgets and has cost me NADA as far as the phone is concerned since the gifting of it. It doesn't break, it does freeze up occasionally but I hardly ever turn it off. I have all my music, email, links to Twitter, Facebook, pod casts, news, and about five or six games that can usually keep me from completely losing it in horribly boring company or an extra long wait at the doctor's office. It is truly the coolest thing out there. Of course, "out there" is somewhere I have not been in about eight months. So things could have changed.

I know fashion has changed. Boy do I feel like the lady in the mom-jeans now when I go to the mall. Oh well. I prefer to feel "country sheik," opposed to goth, preppy, country club or college hooker, which seems to be the preferred mode of appearance for most girls now between the ages of 11 and 28. So sad. So much makeup, so little self confidence. Paris Hilton you did nothing but degrade the strength of young women as beautiful, smart and independent of the need for male approval. But then we survived Madonna's bustier's and see through tuu-tuu skirts in the 80's. We will survive the likes of you!!!

I have to say I do hope the new girl de jour, the absolutely otherworldly Maegan Fox, gives us more to leave to the imagination. So far so good. I think she's done something for Maxxim. I think there too though she still has some clothing on. Please girl, keep it real and keep it a secret. WEAR UNDERWEAR . Brittany is not a role model.

Actually, I can't say that anyone out there in celeb-land is anyone we should model ourselves after. Most of the realistic ones I would wager to say would support this - that they are not role models either. Most humans who are tracked every day of their lives and circumscribed by the criers of our time would not fit the bill. Indeed, the US Airways pilot who landed his plane in the Hudson river, I would consider a role model for that act. I don't know if 365 days a year, 16 hours a day, for the last 5 years of his life, examined and thoroughly criticized - that even he would stand up to the muster of a self righteous society. After nitpicking his actions every day of his life, I don't think I would want to model my self after him. Then again, maybe I should. He could actually be one of those people who live a very just and honest life. We all fail sooner or later, ....I think very truly it is just a matter of magnitude.

All this to say, please remember, celebrities are not role models. And that is A, B through R list celebrities. Hell, even Miss California got a boob job, compliments of the California taxpayers. Of course, it does make her a true-er spokesperson for the State of California.

Well, guess that's it for today. At least for now. I'm going to go be a better mom.


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