Sunday, October 25, 2009

So, why Test Momma??

Well, it stems from many things. From the fact that my husband and I are continually experimenting with new items and methods for raising baby and keeping a clean and somewhat tidy home, ...from the fact that every day of my life seems like a new test in varying aspects of the human condition, and because every day at one point or another my patience is tested to the nth degree.

Mostly though, it comes from the fact that I feel I am, crazily enough, a "test" mom for my Munchkin. You know, how some couples go out and get a dog or a pet of some sort to "test" the waters of what parenting would be like? That their new labrador is a test puppy? I feel like I am that test puppy. Except, addition to being the test-ee, I am also the test-or. The dichotomy is offsetting. And truly no one, NO ONE - not your friends, not your parents, not your anybody - tells you how difficult this parenting thing is.

And they can't. There is no way to explain this to anyone. I had friends who tried. I have to say they sincerely tried to let me in on the tsunami that was about to hit and wash away my grass hut of oblivion. They gave me books, took me on trips with the kid(s), let me baby sit, ....but it just does not behoove the non-parent to listen. It was never that immediate or that important for me to pay attention before Munchkin showed up. It doesn't get that way until they show up. The exact second they are born you understand. You get it that this is going to be no cakewalk and it terrifies you. You call your parents, you pray to God and you start thinking about insurance, 401K's and wills. At the same time that this adrenaline rush of fight and flight hits you also feel the waterfall of love and caring beyond almost that that you have for your spouse, ........and the whole world could fall away, leaving you with nothing but that little grass hut of a life you have, and that would be ok. As long as you can keep them safe and happy, everything else is ok.

So, ....I am test momma. And this is my place to share the craziness of my life of parenthood and how it changes on a millisecond basis. That and some fun stuff too. Story-telling (more on that later), info on products and those who sell them (at least the ones I know and have tried, or would like to try, the new Porche sedan, ....hey I can dream!!!), and a bunch of girl stuff like good deals, sales, hair, make up, celebrity gossip (hence yesterday's post), ...and a bunch of other mindless, wholly unimportant gibberish.

Oh and please talk back. I ain't your Momma.

1 comment:

  1. Don't be so hard on yourself Jen...there are a million ways to parent, and the house will keep (I personally don't care about keeping the house perfect...but lived in and loved.) Anyhoo, as long as your little one knows he's loved and he loves the Lord, you are halfway there. :)
